N-Litter 3rd week
Puppies 15 days old
Miss Gold aka Spider
Miss Gold getting something to drink
Miss Pink
Sleeping together
Miss Gold on her feet
Miss Gold (front) And Mister Yellow (back)
Mister Yellow (back) on his feet
Puppies 18 days old
Weight at 18 days:
Dark Blue Male: 1150 gram
Yellow Male: 890 gram
White Female: 850 gram
Pink Female: 960 gram
Silver Female: 970 gram
Gold Female: 715 gram
Puppies 20 days old
Lunch time!
Miss Pink
Miss Silver sleeping on Fickle’s head
Miss Gold sleeping
Miss Silver
Miss White sleeping
Miss Silver (L) and Miss Gold (R)
Miss White (L) and Miss Gold (R)
Miss Silver (L) Mister Dark Blue (R)
Miss Silver whit her nose in the air…
Arrogant already?
All together
Mister Yellow
Mister Yellow
Miss White and Miss Silver
Mister Dark Blue smelling his brother…
After the pictures he sneeze
I think that Mister Yellow smells…
Mister Dark Blue with a toy
Mister Purple watching the puppies of Fickle
Dark Blue Male: 1150 gram
Yellow Male: 890 gram
White Female: 850 gram
Pink Female: 960 gram
Silver Female: 970 gram
Gold Female: 715 gram
Arrogant already?
After the pictures he sneeze
I think that Mister Yellow smells…